23 November 2011


She remained in Joe’s Lunch Room
drinking coffee with love. Shepherds began
driving their flocks in the hope that turning inward
behind the walls of the moment,
when it seems most frightening, would bring us
the last handfuls of the harvest. I don’t understand how
I’m going to face fear with love. I don’t understand
how I’m going to balance the world. Do I wait
‘til someone says my name? Do you I let you drag me down
in the revolution while editing this vampire movie?

I went over to face the fear with a passing farmer,
and saw her and everyone as they stood silently
around the grave, thinking of the wet earth.
I’d rather fall myself than chase you
around the field, or let you drag me down
in the hope it gives us, that the world might offer us
a pipe. I’ve forgotten everything about you,
I’ve forgotten the fields all stretched out. I’ve forgotten
the road from Jerusalem to Jericho.

(November 19, 2011)

08 November 2011


Our country is just a bunch of tribes, a rattle in the silence.

I’m preparing my face for the gates of hopelessness—
old man’s empty sack. He sat on the ground.
Every day a stray dog passed by on the street, he used to
pat it to remember sometimes the scholars and scribes
had no place to dream.

(November 5, 2011)

06 November 2011


It wasn’t me, you’re right—
making plans to stay
in tanks of ice water, outdoors for hours
at midnight in the cold.

It wasn’t me, you’re right—we’ll
force them to change the starry water,
while the world changes us.

You were right about the river, temperatures
below freezing. It just wasn’t me
you were right about.

(November 5, 2011)

03 November 2011


I’m just a little boy with broken arms,
a little boy with a lump of sugar in his pocket
and machines in his hands. I will never again feel
my arms around you; they’re no good broken.

I try to remember sometimes
the way I fear the little things that keep me going.
I don’t fear the floors covered with
horse dung, but I fear the machines.

(November 2, 2011)


It’s easy to move on. You’re American,
but something keeps you standing there in silence.
You’re American, but something keeps you
standing there in the whole life. You’re
American, but there are blood feuds.

(November 2, 2011)