What makes a dream a dream?
When does it come true? Our hearts
rest on these things,
this is where our pride comes from.
Even strong men shed tears.
There are many great men
with great messages, but how many of
these will pale in comparison
to those who will come later—
or even those whose voices are still rising?
How much of today
will remain unburied?
And how little do we expect it?
(21 June 2007)
When does it come true? Our hearts
rest on these things,
this is where our pride comes from.
Even strong men shed tears.
There are many great men
with great messages, but how many of
these will pale in comparison
to those who will come later—
or even those whose voices are still rising?
How much of today
will remain unburied?
And how little do we expect it?
(21 June 2007)